Antonina Lovochkhina, Lesya Luta. Psychology of Future Social Workers’ Social Activity Formation.1

(2018) Science and education, 5-6, 31-38. Odessa.


Antonina Lovochkhina,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Social Work,
Lesya Luta,
PhD (Candidate of Sociological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social Work,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2-a Akademika Hlushkova Str. Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with psychological problems of organization and development of social activity of future social workers. The article covers the results of the carried out empirical research, performed in a longitude form, aimed to determine the dynamics of the formation and development of social activity of university students majoring in “Social Work”. The study involved 95 students of the Faculty of Psychology of Kyiv National University. The following research methods were used: Level of Social Activity Scale; Ecological Awareness and Ecological Culture Scale; drawing test “Socially Active Society”, as well as a method of observation of the respondents’ social activity. It has been proved that the disciplines providing not just learning theory but teaching how to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, creating and introducing one’s own social projects promote the development of social activity as a basic competence of a social worker. As a result, statistically significant indicators of social activity of students’ development have been discovered from the first to the fourth year of studying at a university. A significant gap has been found between the level of knowledge in the field of social activity and the level of activity aimed at supporting and developing the society. The students who mastered the suggested program, which involves the independent development of social projects and their implementation, demonstrated not only high level of awareness in the field of social work, but also a high level of social activity being the basic competence of a social worker.


social activity, green social work, professional competence, social interest, creation and support of social groups.




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