Antonina Tokarska, Іryna Zharovska, Іryna Sofinska. Psychology of Conflict and Securing an Individual in Court Proceedings.

(2018) Science and education, 5-6, 85-95. Odessa.


Antonina Tokarska,
Doctor of Law, professor,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Psychology
National University ‘Lviv Polytechnic’,
Іryna Zharovska,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Psychology
National University ‘Lviv Polytechnic’,
Іryna Sofinska,
PhD, associate professor,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Psychology
National University ‘Lviv Polytechnic’,
1/3, Kn. Romana Str., Lviv, Ukraine



This article is dedicated to psycho-linguo-communicative means of identifying the level and style of conflict behaviour displayed by lawyers, which should be overcome for the sake of securing an individual not just at the stage of listening to litigants, but after completion of the court proceedings. The skills of trial participants to discern psychological intentions by verbal indicators are important. This has been noticed at such problems in the society as social pathology, legal compulsion, anomic, invective remarks in communicative acts. Special features of the mechanisms of aggression manifestation and the markers of its recognition in practice as well as groups (types) of non-aggressive communication have been identified.


psychology of litigants, psycho-diagnostics, conflict communication, invective content, securing an individual, markers, conflict psycho-argumentation/reasoning, conflict-free psycho-argumentation/reasoning.




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