Sofia Berezka. Peculiarities of The Assessment of Hyperkinetic Behavior Syndrome in Children With Mental Development Disorders.

(2018) Science and education, 3, 62-67. Odessa.


Sofia Berezka,
Teaching assistant of the Department of Practical Psychology,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
1, Vchytelskyi lane, Sloviansk, Ukraine



Socio-cultural and political crises of modern society inevitably affect mental health of people, though children are considered to be the most vulnerable category. According to the World Health Organization, attention deficit and hyperkinetic behavior syndrome are one of the most widespread mental abnormalities among children, and on average are observed in about 5% of children aged from 5 to 12, which makes the chosen topic relevant and urgent. One of the leading symptoms of preschool children with intellectual disability is hyperkinetic behavior syndrome, which is why the purpose of this research is to analyze the formation of hyperkinetic behavior syndrome in children of senior preschool age with mental development disorders. Its early diagnosis ensures the effectiveness and success of psycho-corrective work, therefore, it is necessary to develop a diagnostic complex that will reveal the first symptoms and will form the basis for further psychological correction. To this end, the following criteria of hyperkinetic behavior syndrome have been distinguished: the nature of motor activity, the level of behavior regulation, proneness to mental stress, the prevailing emotional background and the peculiarities of relationships with peers and adults. For every criterion, diagnostic methods have been selected that include either direct testing of children with intellectual disabilities (Tapping test, “The House”, Renee Hill’s method, The Lüscher Color Test), or experts (educators, speech therapists, psychologists and parents using the method of T. Lavrentyev and T. Titarenko). On the basis of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained data three main levels (low, average, and high) of the development of hyperkinetic behavior syndrome in children of the senior preschool age with intellectual disabilities have been distinguished and their main characteristics have been presented.


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperactive behavior, children with intellectual disabilities, criteria for hyperactive behavior, diagnosis.




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