Ihor Halian. Motivational and Value Determinants of Future Physical Culture Teachers’ Professional Becoming.

(2018) Science and education, 3, 36-42. Odessa.


Ihor Halian,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Practical Psychology,
професор кафедри практичної психології,
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
24, Ivana Franka Str., Drohobych, Ukraine



The paper aims to carry out a psychological analysis of the motivational and value determinants of professional becoming of future Physical Culture teachers. The participants of the study were students majoring in Physical Culture and Sports (n = 52, aged 18-22 years). The structure of values was investigated by means of Rokeach Value Survey in the adaptation of A. Goshtutaz, A. Semenov, V. Yadov. The motivational tendencies of the respondents were examined with the help of the Educational Motives Test in the modification of A. Rean and V. Yakunin. This allowed to evaluate the motivational and value preferences of future Physical Culture teachers in the structure of their personal and professional potential. The assessment of motivational and value preferences was carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, which has made it possible to consider the motivational-value sphere in the context of the integral structure of the individual, in which motives and values are the core. It has been found that 65.38% of the students have chosen the profession of a Physical Culture teacher due to the importance of sports in their lives, and 15.38% - due to the prestige of the faculty. In the general system of values-goals of the respondents, specific life values are the leading ones, and among values-senses – the values of personal professional selfrealization. If the psychological support of motivational and value development based on actualization of the subject position of future specialists, motivation for self-development is organized, the significance of motives and values of personal and professional growth increases. There is dynamics of future Physical Culture teachers’ academic motivation in the process of studying at a university: from the motives of adaptation and self-affirmation at the initial stage of training to self-realization and professional perfection, obtaining professional competences – at its final stage. The effectiveness of professional becoming of a future Physical Culture teacher is determined by his/her personal and professional potential, in which the leading role belongs to motives and values.


motives, values, determinants, professional formation, physical culture, professional competencies.




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