Olha Sannikova, Oksana Kuznetsova. Adaptivity as The Integral Phenomenon: Empirical Verification.

(2018) Science and education, 3, 27-35. Odessa.


Olha Sannikova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
head of the Department of General and Differential Psychology,
Oksana Kuznetsova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



At the current stage of the society development, psychological science faces a challenge of in-depth study of adaptability as a system of individual possibilities to adapt to constant and large-scale changes and act effectively in a highly dynamic environment, realize personally significant goals and satisfy needs, maintaining internal stability and balance in interaction with the world. The purpose of this study is the theoretical justification and empirical verification of the model of the multilevel structure of adaptability as an integral property of the personality. The study used both theoretical methods, including the system method and theoretical simulation, and empirical (testing), as well as mathematical-statistical (correlation analysis). Based on the provisions of the continual-hierarchical concept of personality, a model of the multilevel structure of adaptability as its sustainable property has been developed. In this structure, the signs of adaptability, representing the formal-dynamic, content-personal and social-imperative levels are considered. At each level, adaptability is represented by certain components that are characterized by their specific content. At the same time, the components of different levels of adaptability interact in a peculiar way, supplement each other and together form an integral property that is irreducible to the sum of its components. The study of adaptability as a complex phenomenon, structurally uniting subsystems of different levels, was carried out using techniques that allow one to instrumentally approach the measurement of its multilevel features. These are the author’s psychodiagnostic methods: “Test-questionnaire of Social Adaptability (examines formal-dynamic and qualitative indicators of adaptability) and the self-evaluation version of the technique “Structural Composition of Personal Adaptability” (measures the contentpersonal and social-imperative attributes). The presented results of the correlation analysis of the parameters of the formal dynamic, content-personal, social-imperative levels demonstrate the interrelation of the majority of the identified indicators of adaptability, representing its various levels, and also reveal the set of intra-level and inter-level relationships that organize and maintain the integrity of adaptability.


adaptability of personality, structure of adaptability, psychodiagnostics of adaptability, continualhierarchical concept of personality.




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