Igor Zozulia, Larysa Shevchenko, Oleksandr Zozulia. Gender Peculiarities of Criminals’ Self-Regulation.

(2018) Science and education, 3, 20-26. Odessa.


Igor Zozulia,
Doctor of Law, professor, Department of General Law Disciplines,
Larysa Shevchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Sociology and Psychology,
Oleksandr Zozulia,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Law Disciplines,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
27, L. Landau avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The study of self-regulation appears to be a very relevant issue because the violation of self-regulation is one of the reasons of psychosocial and personal problems. The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of selfregulation of female and male criminals. In the research, the following methods were used: Stylistic Features of Behavior Self-Regulation Inventory by V. Morosanova, that examines the individual self-regulation and the indicators of the development of regulatory personality properties; and Action Control Scale (ACS) by Kuhl (adapted by S. Shapkin), that allows one to study: action control associated with decision making; action control associated with the implementation; action control associated with the targeting of failure; questioning, mathematical and statistical methods. According to the results of the study, the general level of self-regulation in women is lower than that of men, they are more dependent on the situation and the environment, they are less resistant to negative influences, are difficult to plan and predict their activities. Female criminals are less able to form the representation of their expectations and emotions, they live according to the approximate life “scheme”, they are characterized by uncertainty, dependence on external and internal circumstances, impulsiveness, fragmentary control over their actions, lenient attitude to their behavior, therefore the main role in regulating their behavior is assigned to external regulators. Male criminals have a rather high overall level of self-regulation, which makes them better adapted to changes in life. Unlike female criminals, male ones are more action-oriented, they have more complete representations of the past and the current states. There are some common things in both groups of criminals: an undeveloped need to plan their lives, lack of ability and desire to develop goals and life prospects.


self-regulation, personality, self-control, crime, female-criminal, deviant behavior, impulsivity.




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