Olena Dziubenko. Gender Based Differences in Students’ Ideas of Family Life From Full and Divorced Families.

(2018) Science and education, 3, 92-98. Odessa.


Olena Dziubenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Modern socio-economic situation in Ukraine is in the process of dynamic changes, that has a significant impact on all spheres of citizens’ lives. Social circumstances complicate Ukrainian family life, lead to the formation of new notions and values. In recent years, the amount of divorces has increased and the birth rate has decreased. Young people of marriageable age do not will to create families. The mentioned problems are relevant and need practical solution. The paper aims to study gender based differences in young people’s views concerning family life depending on the type of their families (full or divorced). On the basis of theoretical and empirical methods of research, there was identified the adverse influence of parents’ divorce on their child’s personality as a future family man. The study involved 50 respondents of both genders from full and divorced families (25 subjects each). The majority of the respondents, whose parents have divorced, as compared to those who are brought up by both parents, have immature ideas and guidelines of family life. It is worth mentioning that predominantly young people from divorced families have light-minded attitude to marriage. The boys have too high expectations about their future wives, insist on the necessity of autonomy in marriage, have light-minded attitude to the formation of family budget, have immature vision of future parenthood. The girls from divorced families, as compared to the boys, have more flexible ideas of family role structure. They are focused on responsibility, shared activity of the married couple and have more conscious attitude to the parenthood. Therefore, young people brought up in divorced families need the correction of their marriage-family vision and especially it concerns young men.


divorce, the image of family life, guidelines, values, adolescence, gender based differences.




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