Larysa Zhuravlova, Bogdan Pietrulewicz, Anna Pazdyka. Work Pollution in Health Care and Education Sector From Spain and Poland.

(2018) Science and education, 3, 76-84. Odessa.


Larysa Zhuravlova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine,
Bogdan Pietrulewicz,
dr hab. PhD of Psychology, professor,
Department of Psychological Research Methods,
Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
Laval University, Canada
Anna Pazdyka,
Master of Science in Psychology, PhD сandidate
Universitat Rovira and Virgili in Tarragona, Spain,



The purpose of this confirmatory study was to investigate work environment in order to verify the model of individual and organizational antecedents of mobbing in two corresponding samples from Spain and Poland. 3 scales were applied: Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NEQ-Re), Overall Personality Assessment Scale (OPERAS), Work Psychosocial Climate Scale (ECPT). Results mainly supported the organizational climate as a source of mobbing. Decreased emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness were found among characteristics of victims. Polish version of the ECPT (back translation) was introduced as a reliable and valid measure. Questionable reliability was obtained for 4 out of 5 factors of the OPERAS - Polish version (back translation). Further implications of the results are discussed.


workplace mobbing, personality, organizational climate, cross-cultural study.




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