Tamara Poiasok, Olena Bespartochna, Volodymyr Skrypnyk. Future Legal Experts’ Professional Training In Terms of E-Learning.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 34-42. Odessa.


Tamara Poiasok,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, academician of Ukrainian Academy of Acmeology,
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences,
Olena Bespartochna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Philosophy,
corresponding member of Ukrainian Academy of Acmeology,
Volodymyr Skrypnyk,
PhD ((Candidate of Legal Sciences), senior lecturer, head of the Department of Legal Sciences,
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine



The paper aims to outline factors contributing to the implementation of distance learning in the training of future lawyers. The following research methods were applied in the study: pedagogical observation, interviewing, testing, individual and group interviews with students and teachers, self-assessment and expert assessment. The study involved 279 students who were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The following factors whose implementation according to the hypothesis is going to increase the effectiveness of the training of future lawyers in the conditions of e-learning and measures for their practical implementation, have been distinguished: creating an educational environment for distance learning on the basis of professional orientation, the use of interactive teaching methods, information and communication technologies based on practical orientation, providing individualized pedagogical support in the process of distance learning. A pedagogical experiment was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed factors that would facilitate the implementation of e-learning in the training of future lawyers. To check the statistical significance of the results of the experiment, methods of mathematical statistics were used. The experimental group was taught taking into account the distinguished factors, and the control one was taught according to the traditional methodology, without any changes. As a result of the experiment, the importance of introducing e-learning in the training of future lawyers in higher educational establishments has been proved. The research outcomes have shown that the level of experimental group students’ professional competence has increased as distinct from the control one, which is indicative of the efficiency of the suggested factors.


professional training; professional competence; factors contributing to the effectiveness of distance learning, legal experts.




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