Vyacheslav Blikhar, Mariana Kashchuk, Alla Marchuk. Psychological and Pedagogical Readiness of Future Psychologists For Work in the System of Inclusive Education.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 27-33. Odessa.


Vyacheslav Blikhar,
Doctor of Philosophy, professor,
Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science,
Mariana Kashchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages and the Culture of Professional Speech,
Alla Marchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
26, Horodotska st., Lviv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the research of psychological and pedagogical readiness of future psychologists for work in the system of inclusive education. The construction of the system of inclusive education in Ukraine requires appropriate staffing for qualitative psychological support of children with special educational needs. The psychological and pedagogical readiness for the professional activity in the context of inclusive education is presented as an integrative phenomenon which includes motivational, cognitive, emotional and volitional components. The article reveals the results of the empirical investigation of the level of personal and cognitive readiness of future psychologists for work in the system of inclusive education, the degree of maturity of emotional-volitional and motivational components of psychological and pedagogical readiness of future psychologists for the professional activity in the context of inclusive education. The necessity of purposeful preparation of psychologists for the professional activity in the system of inclusive education, special work on the formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of future psychologists for psychological support and provision of psychological and pedagogical as well as correctional and developmental assistance to children with special educational needs is revealed.


inclusive education, psychological support, readiness for activity, personal readiness, psychological and pedagogical readiness for work.




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