Liliia Riabovol, Volodymyr Hrytsenko, Olena Sokurenko. Methodical System Of Legal Disciplines University Coaching.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 16-26. Odessa.


Liliia Riabovol,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of State-Legal Disciplines and Administrative Law,
Volodymyr Hrytsenko,
Doctor of Law, professor,
head of the Department of Branch Law and Environmental Activity,
honored lawyer of Ukraine,
Olena Sokurenko,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Branch Law and Environmental Activity,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenka Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



The need for lawyers with new personal and professional qualities led to the necessity of the legal education improvement. This requires fundamental changes in the content of legal disciplines, the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process at higher educational institutions. One of these is coaching, which helps to improve students’ skills and in general helps them learn to study. The paper aims to substantiate the methodical system of legal disciplines coaching in terms of higher education. A pedagogical experiment was held on the basis of the Faculty of History and Law of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. In total, 150 law students were engaged in the study and divided into experimental and control groups, while teaching “Constitutional Law of Ukraine” to them. The experimental group was taught according to the suggested methodology, while there were no changes in the control group educational process. The main forms of study within the experimental methodology are as follows: lectures with the formulation of problem issues and logical questions; seminars / workshops; consultations (individual, paired / teamwork); colloquiums; independent work; assessment techniques. The main methods applied are as follows: the solution of cases based on the legal acts and the development of necessary procedural documents; interactive methods; conducting research studies and projects, writing abstracts, scientific articles; scientific literature annotating and reviewing; ICT, e-learning. The peculiarity of the suggested methodology is the partnership relations between the teacher and the student and their joint work on the specification of goals, the analysis of the content, the selection of forms and methods of training, etc. The comparison of the results of the testing conducted in the control and experimental groups at the beginning and at the end of the experiment has statistically confirmed the effectiveness of the methodology of legal disciplines university coaching.


methodical system, coaching, legal disciplines, higher legal education, learning outcomes, competence.




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