Yuliia Chernetska. Addiction Polymorphism: Social and Pedagogical Aspects.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 180-185. Odessa.


Yuliia Chernetska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy,
Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy,
Kharkiv Regional Council,
Sh. Rustaveli lane, 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The aim and tasks of the research are as follows: to study the phenomenon of polymorphism of addictions, the empirical detection of polymorphicity in addictive individuals, the disclosure of the most common types of addictions that make up a “polymorphic set”, to reveal the most common interconnected forms of addictive behavior of drug addicts under the conditions of rehabilitation centers, as well as to elucidate the manifestations of gender peculiarities of polymorphism in drug addicts and possible consequences of these manifestations in the socio-pedagogical aspect. Among the empirical methods of the research, the leading one is the social and pedagogical experiment on identifying the polymorphism of addictions among the drug-dependent in the rehabilitation centers. The experimental group consisted of drug addicts (the total number of respondents was 147, of whom 127 were men, 20 were women, aged 15-55). The research was conducted in the rehabilitation centers of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region (during 2015-2017) with the aim to detect a propensity to different types of dependencies. It was based on the questionnaire proposed by G.V. Lozova (St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft). The results of the study indicate the presence of polymorphism of addictions in the subjects. The most of the experiment subjects showed high rates of general tendency towards different types of addictions. Thus, for men, this indicator was 95.2%, for women - more than 50%. This indicates a high risk of returning the former drug addicts to drug use, where a trigger mechanism may be some other type of addictive behavior, such as emotional addiction or interdependence.


polymorphism, addiction, addictive persons, rehabilitation centers, drug addicts.




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