Olesia Dmytriieva. Using Podcasts For Teaching English (Through The Example of “English With Oleseya” Radio English Lessons and Podcasts).

(2018) Science and education, 2, 161-166. Odessa.


Olesia Dmytriieva,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Department of Foreign Languages,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
19, G. Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Donetsk reg., Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of teaching English by using podcasts. The theoretical resources review has shown that in the context of the rapid spreading of new high-tech applications among the younger generation, the use of podcasts serves as an innovative and effective means of teaching English. Audio and video educational podcasts enhance learners’ comprehension and further discussion, increase students’ motivation to learn, promote teaching effectiveness, reinforce lecture material and provide additional information, and serve as a new interesting activity in the classroom and/or at home. The peculiarities of the authorial Project “English with Oleseya” podcasting (55 episodes), developed as an entertainment show and an English language lesson, have been described.


 podcast, foreign language teaching, innovative technologies, radio, listening skills, speaking skills, English with Oleseya.




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