Burak Gökbulut, Mustafa Yeniasır. Examination of Perception of Peers Concerning Individuals with Special Needs Based on Narrative Expression.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 11-15. Odessa.


Burak Gökbulut,
Ass. Prof., Near East University, Faculty of Arts and Science,
Department of Turkish Language and Literature,
Nicosia, Cyprus,
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Mustafa Yeniasır,
Ass. Prof., Near East University, Atatürk Faculty of Education,
Department of Turkish Language Teaching,
Nicosia, Cyprus,
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Teachers, school management and families have important impact as factors on the success of inclusive teaching which can be explained in general as providing education to students with special needs in the same environment with their peers without any incompetency. Probably one of the most important factors is the perception, attitude and opinion of students concerning their peers with special needs and the inclusive education who show normal development sharing the same classroom with students with special needs. The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes, behaviours and perceptions of peers in elementary schools with inclusive education towards individuals with special needs and to identify the ways of ensuring sustainable social acceptance by peers. Data collection was based on qualitative approach in the study, and the opinions of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students of an elementary school with inclusive education on peers with special needs were determined through examinations based on completing an unfinished story. According to the findings obtained in the study, it can be claimed that perception and attitude towards individuals with special needs is positive in elementary schools in Northern Cyprus but it should be supported with law and training.


peer, sustainability, special education, inclusion, special needs, Northern Cyprus.




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