Hanna Tsvietkova. Transcendence and Reflexion of Career Path of University Teachers Specializing in Primary Education.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 143-152. Odessa.


Hanna Tsvietkova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
head of the Department of Pedagogy and
Psychology of Preschool Education and Children’s Creativity,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
8/14, Turhenivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article reveals the essence of the transcendence and reflection of career path of university teachers majoring in preschool education as a way of going beyond the limits of self on the basis of the reflexive perception of the professional reality, the ability to go beyond the routine, to consider one’s own work from the standpoint of improvement, faith in the professional mission, conscious choice of vectors of the career path, readiness for professional self-improvement. According to the research outcomes, a university teacher in the field of preschool education can be characterized as a holistic, harmonic personality with positive self-concept, an expert who is a teacher and a psychologist with an active professional position, mature perceptive-reflexive, organizational skills, facilitator who is capable of pre-optimist prediction regarding the development, training and upbringing of preschool children, the one with dominant positive emotions and mood; innovator with a vividly innovative spirit, who is always the first to perceive, actively implement and distribute elements in the field of preschool education. The examination of transcendence and reflection maturity in university teachers specializing in primary education has shown that most of them have initial and intuitive-situational levels. Experimental testing of the technology of transcendence and reflection of career path of university teachers in the field of preschool education has confirmed its effectiveness in the educational process of higher educational institutions.


transcendence, reflection, career path, preschool education, professional self-perfection, technology.




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