Valentyna Romanets. Worldview Education of Future Foreign Literature Teachers: Professional Outlook Characteristics and Maturity.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 113-117. Odessa.


Valentyna Romanets,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Literature,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of theoretical-experimental research of the problem of worldview education of the graduates of philological specialties with the right to teach foreign literature. 978 Master-degree students majoring in Philology took part in the study aimed at examining their professional outlook level. The following criteria and indicators of professional outlook of a foreign literature teacher (in accordance with which the level of their manifestation can be estimated as follows: 1) optimal; 2) proper; 3) primary) have been distinguished: criteria: cognitive and methodological, evaluative, reflexive and critical, orientation and prognostic, integration and activity; indicators: scientific style of thinking, social maturity, pedagogical orientation, humanistic position, creativity. The research outcomes have shown that future foreign literature teachers’ professional outlook formation at the stage of training at higher educational establishments of different types is usually carried out spontaneously and cannot be characterized as a purposeful, specially organized and systematically controlled pedagogical process. The analysis of the contemporary state of future foreign literature teachers training shows that subject competences and value orientations acquired by them in the course of university education do not meet the requirements of time, which is explained by the lack of proper theoretical-conceptual, didactic-methodical and diagnostic support of the process of their professional outlook formation. Further research work is planned to cover the development of a conceptual model of future foreign literature teachers’ professional outlook formation.


outlook development, professional outlook, essence and structure of professional outlook, levels of professional outlook maturity, future foreign literature teacher, university education.




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