Viktoriia Korneshchuk, Maryna Bodelan. Pedagogical Conditions of Forming Functional Competence of Future Social Workers

(2018) Science and education, 2, 5-10. Odessa.


Viktoriia Korneshchuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Head of the Department of Рsychology and Social Work,
Odessa National Polytechnic University, 1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine,
Maryna Bodelan,
senior teacher at the Department of Рsychology and Social Work,
Odessa National Polytechnic University, 1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



Street social work is a part of professional activity aimed at assistance to individuals and social groups in overcoming personal and social difficulties by establishing and maintaining contacts between them and social service specialists, protection, correction and rehabilitation outside. Functions performed by a social worker (social assistance, help in coping with consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts, social compensatory, diagnostic, prognostic, warning and preventive, human rights function, socio-pedagogical, socio-household, communicative, advertising and advocacy, moral and humanistic, organizational), impose certain requirements to his/her knowledge, abilities, skills, personal and professional qualities which compose his/her functional competence. Functional competence is a complex of such social worker’s qualities as technological, interactive, interdisciplinary and also progress competency. Pedagogical conditions contributing to the formation of functional competence of a future social worker in street social work is a complex of external and internal circumstances and their introduction in the process professional training of students. Taking into account the specifics of these workers’ functional competence the following pedagogical conditions contributing to its formation, have been distinguished: facilitation in professional training of students; organization of professional training on the basis of interaction; acquiring practical experience in street social work; motivation of students for the realization of street social work on ethical grounds. In order to assess professionally important and personal qualities which compose functional competence of future social workers in the field of street social work, the following techniques were used: The Method of Diagnosis of Interpersonal Relations by T. Leary, 16PF Questionnaire by R. Cattell, Assessment of the Level of Friendliness” by V. Ryakhovsky, “Diagnosis of Personality Orientation by B. Bass” by V. Smekal, M. Kucher. The survey involved 280 students. The results of the carried out pedagogical experiment has shown that the suggested pedagogical conditions do contribute to the formation and development of the functional competence of this category of workers, which has been checked and proved by means of Mann-Whitney U-test.


street social work; future social worker; functional competence of future social workers in street social work; pedagogical conditions.




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3. Korneshchuk, V. V. (2017) Professional Training of Future Social Workers: Foreign Experience Review. Nauka i osvita [Science and Education], 4, 29–33 [in English].




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