Hanna Tsvetkova. Emotional Intelligence as a Mental Basis of University Teachers’ Professional Self-Development.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 49-59. Odessa.


Hanna Tsvetkova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy,
Psychology of Preschool Education and Child Creativity,
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University,
8/14, Turhenovska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



If a teacher has highly developed emotional intelligence and conscious need for professional self-development he/she can perform the tasks of constant professional perfection, effectively communicate with other cultures’ representatives, etc. which is considered to be an extremely significant quality. The paper aims to reveal the essence of emotional intelligence as a mental basis of professional self-development of teachers working for higher educational institutions, to examine the components of emotional intelligence in the personality structure of modern teachers of humanities, as well as to study their axiological attitude towards professional development and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence of humanities teachers is considered as an integral component of professional self-development, synthesis of the intellectual and spiritual, rational and irrational, harmonious combination of affection, intelligence, and will. University teachers’ emotional intelligence consists of the following interdependent structural components: personal (self-cognition on the basis of self-respect and self-acceptance), social (sociability, emotional regulation), facilitative (optimistic perception of life). The respondents (n=750) were divided into two groups depending on their age and working experience. The experimental testing has shown that the respondents of the 1st group are more flexible, mobile, capable of professional self-development as they have pragmatic motives; they understand the significance of emotional intelligence development. The respondents of the 2nd group agree on the necessity of professional self-improvement and development of emotional intelligence noting that they have already reached its high level. They are characterized by conservatism, inflated self-esteem, and at the same time highly developed moral and spiritual sphere, altruistic desires, and slow development of emotional intelligence. As a result of the experiment there has been found significant difference in the indicators of emotional intelligence as a mental base of professional self-development which corresponds to the level statistical significance.


professional self-development, emotional intelligence, university teacher, humanities.




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Irina Kruhliak, Tetiana Mishenina. Linguodidacatic Terms Codification Under Conditions of Interdisciplinary Integration.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 60-65. Odessa.


Irina Kruhliak,
Doctor of Education, professor,
Director of Institute of Pedagogy,
Staleva Volia, Poland,
Tetiana Mishenina,
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor, professor,
Department of Ukrainian language
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
54, Haharina Str., Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
ORCID iD 0000-0002-5992-4035



The article is dedicated to the issue of codification of linguodidactic terms considering interdisciplinary integration. The development of linguodidactic competence of future philologists is determined by th0e formation of professional vocabulary that at the present stage of psychological and pedagogical thought is largely determined by integration disctinctness. It has been proved that the mediastructure of professional linguodidactic vocabulary is complicated by broadening basic terms functionality; interdisciplinary terms implication; rethinking of meaning associated with the terms codification. The integration principle defines further interpretation of special terms within such disciplines as: ethnosemiotics, linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguogeography, ethno-pedagogy, culturology, paralinguistics.


lexicography, interdisciplinary term, linguodidactic term, codification, integration.




1. Batsevych, F.S. (2007). Slovnyk terminiv mizhkulturnoyi komunikatsiyi [Dictionary of intercultural communication terms]. Kyiv: Dovira [in Ukrainian].
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Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Rodion Yahotin. Expediency of Assessing Students’ Adaptive Capacity and Psychosomatic Health According To Objective Physiological Parameters.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 66-71. Odessa.


Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Care,
Rodion Yahotin,
post-graduate student, Department of Biology and Health Care,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper aims to ground the feasibility of implementing complex programs of psycho-physiological examination of students’ adaptive capacity and psychosomatic health state according to objective psycho-physiological parameters into the physical training medical and educational support of Physical Education lessons. During Physical Education classes in the groups of students with different states of psychosomatic health it is advisable to introduce the psychophysiological diagnostics implementation, which provides objective and comprehensive information about their psychofunctional states and the levels of their physical fitness and helps to evaluate their adaptive capacity dynamics. The psychophysiological state is a complex hierarchical system with improved mechanisms of self-regulation and selfdevelopment, which is unity of the internal individual components (bioenergetic, neurophysiological, psychological, behavioral, personal, social and psychological) that is dynamic according to the components and originally deployed by time. The abovementioned components organized in accordance with the holarсhic strategy provide the desired aims achievement in the process of certain activities, and the final result acts like a framework factor of person’s psychofunctional system in case of adaptive result achievement. The designed complex psychophysiological examination program has been adapted for university students and has real perspectives for the implementation into higher educational institutions with the aim to determine the students’ adaptive capacity and their physical health state. The comprehensive program includes the following major sections: General data; Properties of the nervous system; Psychomotor properties; Attention level; Thinking activity; Visual afferent status. The implementation of the integrated psycho-physiological examination for university students enables forecasting individual trajectories of their further mental and physical development, and facilitates the individualized approach introduction at the Physical Education lessons taking into account the particularities of their psychophysical condition, including psychomotor qualities.


psychophysiological condition, students, physical education, adaptation.




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Alla Kolomiiets, Dmytro Kolomiiets, Yevhen Gromov. Implementation of The Latest World-Class Scientific Achievements in Training Process of Future Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 72-77. Odessa.


Alla Kolomiiets,
Dr.hab. in Pedagogy, professor,
Vice-rector for Scientific Work,
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozhsky Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
Dmytro Kolomiiets,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Professor of TEESVA Chair,
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozhsky Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
Yevhen Gromov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer,
Head of Research and Development Department,
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozhsky Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The paper deals with the main directions and methodological principles of future pedagogues’ professional skills improvement, enhancement of their scientific outlook, and development of their methodological culture by means of the implementation of the latest scientific achievements into the content of the training process of future teachers. The principal directions are as follows: implementation of fundamental sciences and investigations results in corresponding sections of studied subject matters; applying latest psychological and pedagogical achievements to future teachers’ methodological training; using constantly developing information technologies potential for the improvement of the content and forms of the educational process organization.


teacher training, scientific achievements, implementation, research and development, pedagogical university, education contents.




1. Esareva, Z.F. (1975). Vzaimodeistvie nauchnoy i pedagogicheskoy deyatelnosti prepodavatelya universiteta [Interaction of scientific and pedagogical activities of a university teacher]. Leningrad [in Russian].
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3. Klimova, N.V. (2011). Integratsia vuzovskoy nauki i uchebnogo protsesa v usloviah harmonizatsii sistemy vyschego obrazovania [Integration of higher school science and educational process in conditions of higher education system harmonization]. Fundamentalnye issledovania – Fundamental Investigations, 12, 306-301 [in Russian].
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Liliia Nikitchenko. Forming Professional Competence in The Process of Teaching Biology Students.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 78-82. Odessa.


Liliia Nikitchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Biology,
Vinnitsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine



The development of the society puts forward new requirements to the professional training of higher educational institutions students. Today special attention is paid to the development of graduates’ professional competence which is considered as a set of knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary for efficient performance of educational functions and harmonious development of a personality. The paper is aimed at theoretical grounding and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions contributing to the development of future Biology teachers’ professional competence in the process of their professional training. Based on the results of the carried out experiment there have been determined the following conditions of efficient formation of Biology students’ professional competence: providing the combination of theoretical material with practical activity in the process of professional training; activation of independent cognitive and research activity of students; providing the goals of professional training with personal meaning. The research outcomes have shown that purposeful use of the suggested pedagogical conditions improves the educational process and contributes to the efficient formation and development of future Biology teachers’ professional competence, which has been confirmed by dynamics of mean values in the experimental group of students.


professional competence, structure of competence, professional training, pedagogical conditions, future Biology teacher.




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