Hanna Kashyna, Vira Lebedeva, Maryna Kashtalian. Simulation Teaching Technology In Modern Educational System Reformation.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 57-62. Odessa.


Hanna Kashyna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Vira Lebedeva,
Doctor of economics, associate professor,
Department of Administrative Management and Market Problems,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odessa, Ukraine
Maryna Kashtalian,
PhD in Medicine, associate professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology No1,
Odessa National Medical University
2, Valikhovsky lane, Odessa, Ukraine



Modern education aims to form an all-round future professional. So only semiotic means of training are not enough, the necessary technologies should be based on the principle of “perceiving through performing” involving effective professional tests, manifesting themselves in the development of professional competence, providing the designing of situations and appropriate situational reflection. This studying should result in not narrow knowledge in a certain sphere, but versatile one with the possibility of its further adaptation to a changing context. The article deals with the expediency of implementing a simulation teaching technology in terms of training and simulation company, the features of its adaptation to the Ukrainian educational system, the combination of methods and technologies applied in terms training and simulation company. It has been concluded that this technology has a positive impact of the development of modern professionals.


 education, educational technology, educational and training company, simulation teaching technology, educational reform.




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