(2017) Science and education, 6, 38-43. Odessa.
Xing Zhefu,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Oriental Languages and Translation,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
13-B, Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The article deals with the characteristics of the elements of the model of pedagogical support for foreign students in the process of their adaptation to the educational process at universities of Ukraine. The adaptation of foreign students to training at Ukrainian universities is considered as a process of active adjustment to a new socio-cultural and educational environment. Pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of their adaptation to training at higher education institutions is a system of interaction between the educational process participants aimed at helping them overcome a set of psychological, pedagogical and social problems associated with their interaction with a new sociocultural and educational environment to ensure a high level of adaptation. The success of the pedagogical support in the process of foreign students’ adaptation to the educational process at Ukrainian universities can be provided by means of implementing the following pedagogical conditions: 1) preparing teaching staff for providing support for foreign students; 2) creating multi-cultural socio-pedagogical environment focused on the organization of the inter-cultural dialogue, forming tolerant relations. The suggested model of pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of their adaptation to the educational process at the universities of Ukraine involves target, content and technological, monitoring and resulting blocks, and is based on the set of the methodological approaches: system, humanistic, synergetic, axiological, person-centered, and environmental. The pedagogical support in this field is carried out by means of the pedagogical conditions implemented during the preparatory, initial, intermediate and final stages. The determined diagnostic tools and levels of foreign students’ adaptive capacity demonstrate the level of the effectiveness of teaching staff’s work in terms of foreign students’ successful adaptation.
adaptation, foreign students, training, pedagogical support, pedagogical conditions, model.
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