Olha Nakonechna, Denys Ruden, Ruslan Sopivnyk. Regional and Age Peculiarities of Modern Ukrainian Youth’s Self-Esteem.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 172-180. Odessa.


Olha Nakonechna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education,
Denys Ruden,
PhD (Candidate of Political Sciences),
Department of History and Political Studies,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
19, Henerala Rodimtseva Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Ruslan Sopivnyk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, Department of Pedagogy,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The successful integration of a personality into the society, acquisition of social experience and self-realization to a great extent depend on the adequate assessment of one’s own abilities and skills. The issue of modern youth’s selfesteem for the Ukrainian society is extremely relevant which is explained by socio-political events, military operations, and reforming in all spheres of life. Besides, adequate self-esteem is considered to be an important aspect of young people’s socialization. The paper aims to examine the self-esteem of adolescents and young people of different regions of Ukraine, as well as to generalize factors of impact of the formation of personality’s self-esteem. The experiment involved 299 persons aged from 11 to 18 who were school and university students, including 26% rural citizens and 74% city residents from different regions of Ukraine. The study was based on Self-Esteem Level Test according to which there were three levels of self-esteem: low, adequate, and high. The research outcomes show that 41% of modern Ukrainian young people have inadequate self-esteem. It has been revealed that adequate self-esteem prevails both in adolescence and youthhood, but in the first group the number of the respondents with the adequate self-esteem is higher, as compared to the second one. However, there were 3% more adolescents with inflated self-esteem and at the same 7% less with low self-esteem. The number of children with adequate self-esteem in rural areas is less (52%) than in urban ones (61%). At the same time there are twice less children with inadequately high self-esteem in rural areas, and 45% of rural citizens have low self-esteem. The research results also show some differences in the respondents’ selfesteem depending on the region. The highest number of the respondents with adequate self-esteem was found in Kharkiv and Sumy regions (68%), Kyiv region (60%), some regions of Luhansk region (57%). The greatest number of children having inadequately high self-esteem was found in Luhansk region, and the least number – in Kharkiv and Sumy regions. The greatest number of children with inadequately low self-esteem was found in western regions of the country and Luhansk region. Inadequate self-esteem of the respondents is caused by socio-political events of the country, absence of parents’ purposeful upbringing impact on a child personality, uncertainty of the choice of further way of living, occupation, deterioration of financial situation, the insufficient level of the development of infrastructure in rural areas and the opportunities for self-fulfillment.


 self-esteem, adequate self-esteem, high and low levels of self-esteem, socialization, diagnostics of selfesteem, age and regional peculiarities of self-esteem.




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