Oleksandra Borodiienko. T. Saaty’s Method in Directors’ Professional Competence Design.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 167-171. Odessa.


Oleksandra Borodiienko,
PhD (Candidate of Geographical Sciences), associate professor,
Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
98a, Vito-Lytovskyi Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with substantiation of the component structure of the professional competence of heads of sales and customer service departments in telecommunications companies and definition of vectors of weight coefficients of professional competence components for designing and prioritizing pedagogical influence on the investigated category of managers. Using the methods of theoretical analysis, expert evaluation (the method of critical incidents, the method of SERVQUAL, foresight), a component structure of professional competence was revealed which includes motivational and value, intellectual and cognitive (professional, psychological, andragogical, organizational and managerial knowledge), operational (professional, communicative, andragogical, organizational and managerial skills) and personal components. T. Saaty’s method was used to identify the weight factors of professional competence components, which made it possible to find out the following most significant professional competence components of heads of sales and customer service departments in telecommunications companies: intellectual-cognitive and operational.


professional competence, head of sales and customer service department, communication company, competency model, system of development of professional competence, intra firm training.




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