Sergii Pavlenko, Volodymyr Sevruk, Yevhen Kobko. Training Police Officers in The Conditions of Reforming The System of Education of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Accordance with European Standards.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 142-150. Odessa.


Sergii Pavlenko
PhD (Candidate of Law), leading researcher,
Department of Organization of Research Work,
Volodymyr Sevruk,
PhD (Candidate of Law), leading researcher,
Department of Organization of Research Work,
Yevhen Kobko,
PhD (Candidate of Law), associate professor,
Department of Administrative Law and Process,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska Square, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with relevant issues of the transformation of Ukrainian law enforcement institutions of higher education according to modern European models and concepts of training police officers. In determining the purpose of police education, the most controversial issue is whether to provide police officers with high-grade education or to train functional specialists in specific areas of police activity. The system of police training in Schengen countries is different and noticeable for the lack of a single unified approach because of a wide range of teaching concepts. Foreign experience and advanced practice in law-enforcement education can become an ideological platform in the course of Ukrainian reforms. However, excessive attempts to transfer the experience of foreign systems of training police officers to Ukrainian reality are not justified, because national characteristics, educational traditions and positive results in this area are usually ignored. Therefore, the standards established in the legal systems of other countries should be combined with verified domestic developments in education. The police training based on curriculum of legal education and the degrees of Bachelor and Master is the accomplishment of domestic law enforcement system of Ukraine. Therefore, in the process of developing the Concept aimed at improving the legal (judicial) education for jurist’s professional training according to EU standards, special attention should be paid to law schools with specific learning environments taking into account that one of the main tasks of the police is to protect human rights and freedoms, as well as interests of society and the state.


 training, law enforcement institutions, reformation, police, education.




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