Vasyl Rotar. Studying Levels of Future Civil Defense Specialists’ Professional Competence Components.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 112-118. Odessa.


Vasyl Rotar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Engineering and Civil Defense Assets,
National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine,
Cherkasy Fire Safety Institute named after Chornobyl Heroes,
8, Onopriienko Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine



The paper deals with the necessity to apply a competence-based approach in the process of future civil defense specialists’ training. The aim of the research is to examine the levels of manifestation of future civil defense specialists’ professional competence components. The following professional competence components have been specified: communicative, informational and socio-legal. The following levels of the above mentioned competences maturity have been distinguished: low, medium, sufficient, and high. The levels of the respondents’ competences maturity have been examined by means of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results of the conducted research prove the necessity for improving the levels of communicative, informational and socio-legal components of the future civil defense specialists’ professional competence.


higher education, competence-based approach, professional competence, professional competence components, civil defense specialists.




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