Halyna Vaskivska. Didactic Aspects of Upper Secondary and University Education Fundamentalization.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 46-50. Odessa.


Halyna Vaskivska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, senior researcher, Head of the Department of Didactics,
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-D, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Scientists consider fundamentalization as not only a necessary process for education upgrading but also as an important didactic issue. Methodologically designed educational process provides a harmonious combination of both general and specialized knowledge. It is obvious that such a combination would be the most efficient if the subjectsubject interaction of spiritual and moral, aesthetic and social values prevails. Fundamentalization of education content of upper secondary and university education is aimed at providing positive changes in mastering the basics of academic, professional and social activities. The paper aims to highlight the importance of upper secondary and university education fundamentalization by means of certain empirical data implementation. Basing on the survey results (questioning, interviewing of teachers and students, reviewing scientific literature) it has become clear that education content fundamentalization is a complicated and significant process. First of all, this kind of education content update should be based on the professional skills of a teacher (a lecturer), whose level must be high, so that national education could reach the world ideals. This is the basic condition that promotes qualitative mastering of knowledge in the educational process of secondary and university education. On the other hand, fundamentalization of education content should include clearly structured, logically rational system of developing not only the knowledge and the skills of students but also their personality traits based on comprehensive or special as well as professionally designed subject components.


education content, upper secondary education, university education, fundamentalization, value orientations.




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