(2017) Science and education, 5, 40-46. Odessa.
Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
Vladislav Kodzhebash
PhD (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)
Department of Biology and Health Basics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine
The global challenge of the modern civilization is the realization of a new idea that involves learning to communicate with nature in the same language, i.e. to think and act in accordance with the General World Laws. Bioethical aspects of anthropogenetics and mental health problems both of an individual and humanity in general have reached a new social and geopolitical level, so far as different communications in today’s information space are unlimited, and their influence can be unpredictable. The transition from the biosphere to the noosphere on Earth has taken place since the middle of the twentieth century but the formation of the noosphere is undergoing significant difficulties because the moral values of those who create regulatory mechanisms and the correspondence of all forms of mental activity of a human being as a chief manager of the new system do not always fit with it. The noosphere education concept includes philosophy, scientific basis, methodology, technology, methods and principles of a new health-saving pedagogical approach. The leading challenge of today is to create such an educational system that can initiate self-organization of the individual, who will be psychologically resistant to all addiction types, receptive and capable of internal and external changes dictated by the evolution, having a universal method of cognition and transformation of the inner and outer world in systematic, constructive and intellectual, aesthetic and environmentally friendly manner. Today the worldview crisis defined historically and implemented through the education system determines a number of problems the modern civilization faces, among which the most dangerous are the following: the rupture of biosphere controlling mechanisms responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of mutation pressure on the gene pool and mankind strength; the rapid development antibiological forms of human activity; the impracticability of general humanism postulate; the social mechanisms of human self-destruction; the emergence and launch of qualitatively new capabilities of dovetailing the real world in the virtual one; the preparation and emergence of the intellect of new forms. Bioethical and socio-cultural principles of noosphere education can be namely first regulatory mechanisms that will provide favorable vectors of human development during the transition period to the noosphere. The implementation of the noosphere education concept by teachers and scientists will help harmonize values, spiritual and practical relationships between people and the environment, and thus will allow the mankind to achieve the next stage of spiritual evolution of the planet, namely the Noosphere.
civilizational crisis, bioethics, anthropogenetics, noospheric education.
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