Tetiana Kuchai, Oleksandr Kuchai, Dr. Ireneusz Pyrzyk. Studying the Peculiarities of Education Development in Japan (IN Terms of Primary Education).

(2017) Science and education, 5, 33-39. Odessa.


Tetiana Kuchai,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, professor,
Department of Aviation English,
National Aviation University,
1, Kosmonavta Komarova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine
Oleksandr Kuchai,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences),
director of the Centre of Prevocational Training,
Training and Research Institute of Continuing Education,
National Aviation University,
1, Kosmonavta Komarova Av., Kyiv, Ukraine
Dr. Ireneusz Pyrzyk,
professor, Cuiavian University in Włocławek,
1, Pl. Wolności Włocławek, Poland



The article presents statistical data of the dynamics of Japan’s education development, in particular, the dynamics of the development of Japan’s educational institutions and the dynamics of the amount of Japanese students and schoolchildren are shown. The analysis of the statistical data proves that children in Japan study at national, private and municipal schools. It should be noted that most children study at municipal schools. The paper also demonstrates the dynamics of changes in expenses in the millions of yen for education in Japan. Based on the data obtained it can be noted that the dynamics of the education development over these years has significantly improved. The following recommendations for the implementation of Japanese progressive ideas and the experience of modernizing primary school teacher’s training into the educational process of Ukraine have been suggested: formation of future teachers’ research and development culture (training of a teacher-researcher) on the basis of applying the research-focused approach in the educational process and establishing research departments; improvement of the system of acquiring qualifications and the right to teach at primary school (certification, qualification examination, exam for testing moral qualities, test results are taken into account over seven years; introduction of new subjects into the curricula of universities’ pedagogical departments, etc.


education, educational institutions, students, teachers, dynamics of development, Ukraine, Japan.




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