Oleh Dolzhenkov, Nataliia Chernenko. Managers’ Personal Readiness for Risk-Management.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 18-23. Odessa.


Oleh Dolzhenkov,
Doctor of Political Sciences, associate professor, Head of the
Department of Educational Institutions Management and Civil Service,
Nataliia Chernenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, acting professor at the
Department of Educational Institutions Management and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



In modern competitive environment, manager’s ability to predict and avoid negative effects and achieve a goal of long-term programmes of the development of an establishment, an organisation or an educational institution is a significant component of his/her competence, which is considered in the world scientific literature as a term “riskmanagement”. The paper aims to present the results of the assessment of managers’ personal readiness for riskmanagement. Every kind of readiness, including readiness for risk-management in professional activities, is characterised by the mobilisation of resources for a certain type of activity. Readiness for risk management is regarded as personal characteristics determining the strategy of behaviour in terms of uncertainty, which is based on the analysis of the situation and one’s own abilities, and is manifested in behaviour, acts, and thoughts. The following indicators of managers’ personal readiness for risk-management have been distinguished: awareness of the necessity and significance of risk-management, motivation for risk-management, proneness to risks, positive attitude, tolerance to uncertainty, assertiveness, mind flexibility. These indicators have been assessed by means of the following techniques: test-questionnaire “Risk-Management at Educational Institutions as Imperatives”, “Motivation to Success” by T. Ehlers, PSK test by J. Schubert, “Personal Change Readiness Survey” by N. Bazhanova, G. Bardier, “Tolerance to Uncertainty” by G. Soldatova, “Assertiveness Test” by A. Karelin, “Cognitive Flexibility” by A. Lachince. The survey involved two groups of the respondents: EG (qualified managers) and CG (future managers/students). Research outcomes show that the greatest number of the respondents according to the indicator “assertiveness” have the sufficient level of its development, according to the indicator “proneness to risk” – satisfactory level, and according to the indicator “cognitive flexibility” – low level in both groups. The results determine the necessity of purposeful preparing both managers and students for risk-management in their professional activities, as well as the necessity of improving scientific and methodical, informational and material support of their training.


readiness, personal readiness, manager, risk, risk-management.




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