Alla Bohush. Modern Approach to the Issue of Higher Education Modernization.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 14-18. Odessa.


Alla Bohush,
Doctor of Education, profession, academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper aims to suggest and describe the main principles of higher education modernization in terms of contemporary educational space. Thus, the following principles have been distinguished: the principle of humanistic nature of education; the principle of nature compliance and nature expediency, but in its new vision; the principle of facilitation of a high level of spirituality of students’ activity; the principle of future specialists’ self-organizing creativity which presupposes education construction according to the synergetic approach; the principle of aware subjectivity and consciousness, according to which, both a teacher and a student are recognized as active subjects of education; the principle of subjective control; the principle of personal goal-setting which involves the implementation of elective or special courses, presence of individual curricula, distance learning, etc.; the principle of meta-subject grounds of the educational process in higher education; the principle of situativity of education, situational and pedagogical support focused on creative students in terms of teaching them in an individual way. A university teacher’s task is to prevent the penetration of anti-humanistic means into the teaching / learning process of higher education with the help of humanistic principles, to demonstrate their failure (those of anti-humanistic ones) in achieving positive outcomes in their future professional activity, to convince would-be professionals of taking themselves as the highest value which will help them to re-orient themselves from the position of a passive reproducing personality into a self-organizing, creative one, into a personality who is able to fill his/her professional activity and life creativity with sense.


high school, principles, modernization, student, higher school teacher.




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