Yuriy Melnyk. Study of Trends of Students’ Demand For The Formation of Competences By Higher Educational Institutions.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 127-133. Odessa.


Yuriy Melnyk,
PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
3, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Contemporary training of high-skilled specialists and providing their mobility at the European labour market requires studying and taking into account trends of the demand for the formation of students’ competences by higher educational institutions. The paper aims to present European experience in classifying competences as well as results of studying trends of university students’ demand for the formation of their competences at higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The following research methods were applied: information gathering (regular private written questionnaire), systematisation, ranked evaluation, results analysis and interpretation. Methodology and instruments for studying competences in higher education have been proposed in the research. In order to make the sample representative and obtain required information, the study was conducted among students and cadets taking into account individual, group and collective choice. The study was conducted during 4 academic years (2013-2017) at National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine; 430 people (including 14 student groups and 12 cadet groups) participated in the study. The results obtained indicate that the most popular demand among university students is the formation of the following competences in them: determination and perseverance in the tasks given and responsibilities taken; ability to make reasoned decisions; ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; ability to work in a team; ability to adapt to and act in new situation; ability to plan and manage time; ability to evaluate and maintain the quality of work produced; ability to identify, pose and resolve problems; knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of the profession; capacity to learn and stay up-to-date with learning. The determined demand trends for the formation of competences among university students of Ukraine was compared to the data obtained in studies conducted as part of the Tuning Project.


students’ demand, competence, classification of competences, instrumental competences, interpersonal competences, systemic competences, Tuning project.




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