(2017) Science and education, 5, 122-126. Odessa.
Natalia Senchyna,
educator, Scientific Methodical Center for
Foreign Language Teachers’ Post-Graduate Studies,
Odessa Regional Advanced Training Institute for Teachers,
8, Nakhimova lane, Odessa, Ukraine,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine
The article deals with the approaches to the determination of the essence of reflection in general, as well as the peculiarities of pedagogical reflection in particular. The prerequisite of humanities teacher’s professional development is his/her ability for reflection which involves self-cognition, self-analysis and activity self-assessment, as well as understanding the way he/she is perceived by others as a personality. The post-graduate pedagogical education is of particular importance in the development teachers’ reflection. Pedagogical reflection is considered as a teacher’s ability for self-observation, self-cognition, self-assessment, as well as the ability to compare one’s own opinion and other people ones about oneself, to assess one’s own achievements critically, to determine ways of professional and personal development. As a result of the carried out survey of humanities teachers taking post-graduate course it has been proved that they are faced with the problem of using pedagogical reflection in their work, though they are quite aware of its importance. According to the obtained data there is a necessity of developing pedagogical reflection skills in the teachers who have little experience of working at educational institutions. Their characteristic feature is that they are afraid of making mistakes because of the ones made in the past. The use of business games, role-playing, exercises and games focused on the analysis of different educational situations will contribute to the development of teachers’ reflexive skills. The further research studies are planned to involve the design of the methods to develop the humanities teachers’ pedagogical reflection in terms of post-graduate education.
reflection, pedagogical reflection, humanities, humanities teachers, post-graduate education.
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