Gabriela Šarníková. Development of Critical Thinking of Primary School Pupils Through Literary Texts.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 112-121. Odessa.


Gabriela Šarníková,
PhD, associate professor,
Department of Christian Education,
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
Palacký University,
22, Univerzitní Str., Olomouc, Czech Republic



This study attempts to characterize the development of critical thinking according to Philosophy for Children (‘P4C’) approach and related literature during the educational process through the method of discussion – based on literary texts. The qualitative research carried out as a part of extra-curricular activities of primary-school pupils in Slovak school was aimed at conducting philosophical discussions with children. The first purpose of the research was to find out the pupils’ opinions about the texts used during the discussions. The second purpose was to find out whether the Slovak primary-school textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education contain texts suitable for philosophical discussions with children. In order to achieve the set objectives, two methodical approaches from the area of qualitative research were used. In the first case the interpretative phenomenological analysis (‘IPA’) with focus on the analysis of data from discussions with children was applied. In the second case, the textbooks were subjected to a textual content analysis. According to the research outcomes, the respondents positively reacted to the reading of various texts as well as the related discussions. It is worth noting that the criminal stories got the most positive reactions. This fact could build a basis for further consideration and examination. When it comes to the analysis of textbooks, apart from one exception there have not been discovered any philosophical texts for children in the primary-school textbooks. Though there have been found enough texts to develop philosophical thinking of pupils, for philosophical exercises, as well as for philosophical discussions, especially in the reading books.


thinking skills, Philosophy for Children, extra-curricular activities, children’s literature, textbook.




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