(2017) Science and education, 5, 10-13. Odessa.
Mark Weintraub,
Doctor of Pedagogy, senior research fellow, professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Training,
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University,
30, Sukhomlynskoho Str., Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
The paper deals with the need for creating methodological bases for the non-traditional professional development and training of students majoring in engineering pedagogical specialties in the field of labour protection. In this regard, a method of mathematical modelling for the improvement of learning material acquisition by students has been studied. The following methods were reviewed: allocation of the technical object into components, using Venn diagrams, formulae of output message of any technical object, encouraging for creativity, development of professional and personal qualities, using innovative engineering and pedagogical technologies connected with inventive acts. In the article, special attention is paid to competences, which can be formed in pedagogical university students due to the implementation of interrelated methods and tools of mathematical modelling in engineering and pedagogical activity into professional training. The high (creative) level of future work safety officers’ professional competence is characterised by the ability to solve nonstandard tasks with out-of-the-box solutions which is provided by mastering the above mentioned methods of mathematical modelling. Mathematical modelling stimulates the development of processional motivation, as the goal of studying is the ability to combine search, inventory and creative methods. The use of these methods, tools and means by teachers contributes to the efficient implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process of a higher educational institution. Their application will help to develop the following qualities in students: motivation and purposefulness, skills of using integrated knowledge, critical thinking, drive for creativity, self-development and selfcognition, skills of modelling professional actions, etc.
engineering and educational activities, labor, method, mathematical modelling, students, professional training.
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