(2017) Science and education, 5, 107-111. Odessa.
Natalia Benkovska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor of the Foreign Languages Department,
Odesa Institute of Trade and Economics of
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
6, Inglezi Str., Odessa, Ukraine
The professional education is implemented by integrated training courses providing the consistency in the study of subjects, helping to avoid duplication of the educational material, strengthening interdisciplinary connections and improving the educational process and introduction of new teaching technologies. Occupation-related knowledge is a basic “unit” of professional training. Its complexity is determined by the fact that professional knowledge is not homogeneous, it has the following three main components: general professional knowledge which distinguishes one profession from others, subject (disciplinary) knowledge which has the scientific and technological nature, and purely professional, differentiated knowledge. It has been proved that interdisciplinary integration of professional disciplines is a system of teachers’ and students’ work in the educational process that provides the unity of purposes, functions, content and structural elements of disciplines, promotes generalization, order and strength of professional knowledge and the formation of a cohesive professional outlook and harmonious developed personality of a future specialist. Organizational forms of interdisciplinary integration of professional disciplines are the following: interdisciplinary excursions, practical lessons, seminars, individual lessons, various types of internship, extracurricular activities, and interdisciplinary groups. It is not necessary to make adjustments in the content of professional disciplines which are taught for future specialists of socionomic sphere, the interdisciplinary integration can be achieved by optimizing the structure blocks of educational material, as well as by coordinating them for the purpose.
interdisciplinary integration, integrated professional disciplines, interdisciplinary communication, professional knowledge.
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