Olha Lisovska. Characteristics of Levels of Future Skilled Workers’ Competitivness Maturity.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 103-106. Odessa.


Olha Lisovska,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The components of maturity of competitiveness of future skilled workers of the service sector have been defined in the article. The criteria of maturity of stimulative and motivational, cognitive and activity, personal and reflexive components have been defined, namely: “striving for success and avoiding failures”, “self-improvement”, “substantial and procedural criterion”, “creativity”, “competitiveness”, “initiative, leadership in entrepreneurship”. The following levels of competitiveness maturity have been represented: the low level, the medium level, and the sufficient level. Their substantial characteristics according to the specified components have been developed. The determination of the maturity levels of competitiveness of future skilled workers of the service sector has been carried out. The generalized data of the maturity levels of competitiveness of future skilled workers of the service sector show that 21 students (20.7%) of EG and 15 students (16.0%) of CG have the sufficient maturity level by the criteria “striving for success and avoiding failures”, “self-improvement”, “substantial and procedural criterion”, “creativity”, “competitiveness”, “initiative, leadership in entrepreneurship”, which indicates that there is a small number of students who are creative, curious, have a developed imagination and the expressed risk proneness. 64 students (62.7%) of EG and 58 students (61.7%) of CG demonstrated the medium level. Their activities are characterized by the ability for creativity, intellectual curiosity, imagination, difficulty in risk proneness. 17 students (16.6%) of EG and 21 students (22.3%) of CG expressed the low level. This indicates that they have an adequate self-esteem, low abilities for creativity and risk proneness. Thus, most of the students have the medium and low levels of competitiveness maturity.


competitiveness, component, criterion, level, personality, reflection, professional educational institution, labor market.




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