Maryna Vasylyk, Ivan Rusnak. Improvement of Foreign Language Training of Future Primary School Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 98-102. Odessa.


Maryna Vasylyk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
State Higher Educational Institution Vasyl Stefanyk
“Precarpathian National University”
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
Ivan Rusnak,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
head of the Department of Foreign Languages,
Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy,
139, Proskurivskoho pidpillia Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



The article focuses on the necessity of forming foreign language communicative competence of future primary school teachers as a condition of their successful professional activities in the period of active integration of Ukraine into the European and the world educational space. The expansion of international cooperation requires modern specialists’ command of a foreign language as a tool which not only allows to navigate in the modern society fluently, but also to perform their professional functions efficiently, to expand their professional and cultural horizons in the process of attracting them to diverse sources of information. The necessity of learning a foreign language arises at primary school, and, consequently, there is a necessity of training pedagogues, capable of forming junior schoolchildren’s foreign communicative competence. The main emphasis in teaching a foreign language should be placed on mastering language and speech competences; it is necessary to develop future specialist’s ability to communicate in a foreign language in real professional pedagogical situations in order to encourage the subjects of the educational process. The modern innovative teaching technologies (information-communicational (computer), game, training) form the basis of teaching a foreign language for specific purposes. The game technologies arise special interest of students, for example a business game reproduces the behaviour and work of individual employees: teachers, principals, head teachers, class teachers. These technologies bring them closer to their future professional duties, provide the opportunity to prepare for the teaching practice at school, to acquire the necessary abilities and skills of communication with the primary school pupils. The use of common traditional methods of active learning provides the achievement of educational goal of learning a foreign language. They are verbal – conversation, dialogue: visual – interactive demonstration, corporate – working in small groups, carousel; collective-group –analysis of situations, brainstorming, problem solving: situation-simulation games; discussion – discussion, debates; research – method of projects.


primary school teacher, foreign language training, communicative competence, innovative educational technologies, business game, educational-speech activity, speech situations, language-speech competence, active teaching methods, phonetics, lexical and grammatical competences.




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