Hu Zhunsi. The Program of Foreign Students’ Adaptation to Educational Environment of Universities in Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 5, 85-91. Odessa.


Hu Zhunsi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Oriental Languages and Translation at the Institute of Philology,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
13-B, Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the pilot implementation of the program for the adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The following pedagogical conditions of the process of foreign students’ adaptation to the educational environment of higher educational institutions of Ukraine have been distinguished: 1) the development and implementation of a program for the adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of a higher educational institution; 2) the provision of intercultural communication of all participants in the adaptation process; 3) the implementation of monitoring as a tool for providing the success of adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of Ukrainian universities. The developed model of foreign students’ adaptation to the educational environment includes the following units: the conceptual and target unit, characterizing the interaction of goals, tasks, methodological approaches; the content and activity unit, including the content, essence of adaptation activities, the periods of the adaptation process; the criterial and productive unit, which by means of certain criteria helps to evaluate the degree of students’ adaptation. The suggested program of sociocultural, socio-psychological, and didactic adaptation was implemented involving 201 foreign students and was aimed at ensuring gradual, systematic and scientifically based mastering of the basic culture of the new educational environment and the implementation of acculturation in it. The results of the carried out experiment have confirmed the efficiency of the program for the adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.


adaptation, adaptation of foreign students, educational environment, pedagogical conditions, adaptation program, structural and functional model.




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