(2017) Science and education, 5, 51-55. Odessa.
Olena Kovshar,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
head of the Department of Preschool Education,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharyna Avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
The main task of contemporary preschool education is creating conditions for the development of children’s capabilities, improvement of their uniqueness and preparation for further education. The aim of the paper is to analyse the development of senior preschool children’s new formations and their role in the development of children’s readiness for schooling. The most important new formations of this age are the following: hierarchy of motives, development of social motives of behaviour and activity, which will determine learner’s inner attitude; development of “internal ethical instantiations”, the level of conscious mental processes development along with such volitional qualities as independence, initiative and responsibility, which prepare five-year-old children for the new social position. As part of the empirical study, the levels of five-year-old children’s readiness for schooling (the creative, productive and elementary ones) based on the acquired new formations have been identified. According to the results obtained, the methodology intended for the formation of the new social position of a schoolchild in senior preschool children, which involved various forms of work with children, their parents and teachers (preschool and primary school teachers), was implemented and tested. Repeated evaluation of the above-mentioned criteria demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed experimental methodology: the creative level of the formation of the new social position of a schoolchild was observed among 30.5% of the EG participants and 5.5% of CG participants; the productive level – 62.5% in the EG and 37.5% in the CG; the elementary level was demonstrated by 7% of EG participants and 57% of the CG participants.
hierarchy of motives, internal attitude of a schoolchild, internal ethical instantiations, consciousness of mental process, independence, initiative, readiness for schooling, social position of a schoolchild, new social attitude of a schoolchild.
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