(2017) Science and education, 5, 5-9. Odessa.
Inna Bohdanova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, head of the
Department of Social Pedagogy,Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine
The paper deals with the issue of the development of personal readiness of future specialists in socionomic sphere. The essence of personal readiness is associated with volitional activity as setting one’s mind on mobilization of volitional efforts, protective and administrative reserves of an organism, energy as self-determination aiming to achieve a positive result. The development of this quality is possible due to controlling the state of integral self-regulation as a hierarchical entity that provides person’s efficiency through the interrelation of professional and mobilization readiness. Based on the research results, three basic levels of integrated self-regulation have been distinguished: passive, mean and optimum, and also three accompanying levels – adaptive, productive and constructive. The results of the carried out diagnostics show that the majority of future specialists in socionomic sphere have passive and mean levels. The research also involves searching for ways to develop personal readiness of future specialists in order to fulfill their potential opportunities in increasing the degree of their achievements. Conceptual provisions which can be used for developing personality’s individual development trajectories have been suggested. The key position of the conception is “personal readiness is a conscious state of integral self-regulation”. Other provisions of the conception are formulated as follows: our thoughts control the state of integral self-regulation; belief in one’s potential capabilities provides a state of integral self-regulation; the need to realize the optimal state of integral self-regulation is congenital; intentions set the control vector of the state of integral self-regulation; writing one’s own scenario for managing the state of integral selfregulation – energy-efficient; affirmations and visualization are tools for managing the state of integral self-regulation.
personal mobilization, state of integral self-regulation, specialists in the socionomic sphere.
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