(2017) Science and education, 4, 46-52. Odessa.
Bożena Marzec,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy,
University of Dąbrowa Górnicza Poland,
1, Cieplaka Str., Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
In the period of demographic crisis, the competition on the educational market concerns not only universities or schools but also preschool educational institutions. Nowadays, when less and less children are born and thus the number of such establishments has been reducing, the increasing of the opportunities for the promotion is becoming a necessary condition for the survival of an institution in the education market. Preschool educational institutions have to take care of their appropriate image in order to gain “customers”. They should be widely available and guarantee every child the equal access to the high-quality education. On the basis of the surveys, individual and group interviews carried out in the period from 2010 to 2015 the research results have been presented in the paper. The study is focused on the promotion of the preschool education values, paying special attention to the presentation of educational offer by preschool educational institutions. External evaluation is a form of pedagogical supervision which helps to determine the degree of compliance of the established requirements connected with educational processes, the effects of teaching, educational and welfare activities, the operating conditions of the institution, the quality of management and so on. The study shows that preschool educational institutions in Poland do a lot of things to maintain their appropriate image. They host websites where they publish news about their achievements, disseminate their offers via articles in the national and local press, posters, and flyers. Children’s participation in radio and television programs, the organization of „annual open house” and the implementation of adaptation programs are also the efficient activities undertaken by the establishments analyzed. In general, public relations of Polish preschool educational institutions are considered to be well-planned, conscious and long-term activities.
preschool educational institution, competition, promotion, actions, dissemination, educational offer.
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