Olena Rebrova. Methods of Stimulating Imaginative and Mental Processes in Future Music and Choreography Teachers’ Performing Activities.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 39-45. Odessa.

Olena Rebrova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of Music Art and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odedsa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the scientific reflection of imaginative and mental processes in professional artistic and educational development of students majoring in music art and choreography; as well as methods influencing their imaginative and mental processes in their performing activities in the process of studying at higher educational institutions and during their creative selffulfillment. These are the processes which synthesize the emotional and cognitive spheres of future professionals, directing all psychological modes of creative activities in a certain (cultural, ethnic and mental, value, traditional, etc.) field. The paper aims to distinguish and describe the most efficient methods of stimulating imaginary and mental processes in music and choreographic performing activities which have proved their effectiveness in practice. The imaginative and mental processes which take place in the process of continuing studying of disciplines of music and choreography cycle are characterized by the following features: polyartistic focus, which is formed under the influence of artistic integration and synthesis of perception, feelings, interpretations of artistic works; ethnic focus, which is based on the phenomenology of ethnic mentality. The synthesis involves artistic and imaginative associative bonds with life realities and analogies of other kinds of arts, and the ethnic focus is a part of ethnic characteristics of mentality: traditions, stereotypes, national codes and symbols which form the spiritual sphere, as well as moral and aesthetic culture of a personality. The experimental assessment of emotional and perceptive audio trainings has shown that they stimulate the polymodality of imaginative and mental processes. Besides, the interchanging of the following cognition models (heuristic and search method of image metaphorization) is considered to be effective as well: scientific, amateur, artistic, educational. The suggested methods have increased the quality of teaching and the students’ academic achievements, which has proved the hypothesis that imaginative and mental processes are the factor of improving the quality of education due to their creative and image-enriching potential in the professional development of future Music and Choreography teachers.


artistic mentality, artistic and mental sphere, performing activity, synthesis, polyartistic focus, ethnomental focus.




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