(2017) Science and education, 4, 33-38. Odessa.
Levon Nikogosyan,
MD, associate professor, Head of the Department of General Pharmacy,
Yulia Aseyeyva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychology and Social Aid,
Odessa National Medical University,
2, Valihovskyi lane, Odessa, Ukraine,
Most of modern scientific works in the field of education pay attention to the issue of increasing requirements for future professionals pointing to the need for the personality values formation according to socially established professional image. The implementation of the axiological approach into the process of studying pedagogical problems of higher education is considered to be relevant today. Besides, the use and disclosure of the main components of this approach in the training of future professionals of healthcare industry still remains understudied in modern Ukraine. The study aims to determine the role of the axiological approach in the process of medical students’ professional training. The priority-oriented ways of improving educational process in terms of the axiological approach is its personalization and activation, taking into account personal abilities and interests of students as well as intensification based on the shift of focus on their independent work and active teaching methods. The following components are considered to be the most significant in the system of forming professional and personal culture of future medical specialists: organizational, structural, and communicative. In the process of medical students’ training the axiological approach should be based on the following modern cultural and humanistic values: subjectivity, dialogue, self-development, integrity, solidity and continuity. The model of individual professional culture of future medical specialists should be based on the following components: humanistic, general cultural, personal and activity, as well as anthropological. It should rely on the following medical and pedagogical principles: the principle of humanity and humanization, feasibility and democratization, professional dignity, and especially morality and ethics. Therefore, the future medical specialists’ training should be aimed at the development of the intellectual and moral personality for preserving life and improving the quality of patient care. It can be implemented by using educational technologies of problematic, reflexive, differentiated, dialogue training, as well as the technology of team culture-creative activities, etc.
axiology, axiological approach, universities, medical students, future medical specialists.
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