Tetiana Osypova. Multiplicative Property of Pedagogical Conditions Contributing To Future Teachers’ Professional Development.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 166-171. Odessa.

Tetiana Osypova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The social, political and economic transformations taking place nowadays in Ukraine, its integration into the European educational space demand the reforming of the system of education in general and future teachers’ professional training at higher educational institutions in particular in terms of the Bologna process, which provides the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions that would facilitate their professional development. The research aims to determine the essence of future teachers’ professional development and to check the efficiency of the implemented pedagogical conditions in this process. The professional development of a future teacher’s personality is considered as a process of his/her immersion in professional activities, during which the role of the teacher is being assigned, his/her professional position is being formed and ways of self-realization in further educational activities are being determined. The following pedagogical conditions are believed to contribute to the professional development of future teachers: creating favorable socio-psychological climate in a student group, motivating future teachers to adopt their professional positions, providing pedagogical mentoring in the process of students’ professional development. The professional position of a teacher is understood as an integrative feature of his/her personality, characterized by the awareness of the importance of pedagogical activities, necessary knowledge, abilities, and skills, as well as by the maturity of worldview, value orientations, and personal qualities. Pedagogical mentoring is defined as a system of subject-subject relationships based on the actualization of personal and professional experience by the mentor, his/her pedagogical support in the development of the spiritual and moral sphere of students, providing the creation of favorable conditions for students’ selfactualization, self-realization, and self-development. According to the results of the survey conducted in four experimental groups of students, it was concluded that in the group where all the above mentioned pedagogical conditions were fulfilled, more positive changes in the professional development of the students were revealed, in contrast to the groups in which only one of the pedagogical conditions was implemented. This indicates the multiplicative property (the intersection, interaction, complementarity) of pedagogical conditions. Thus, the complex implementation of certain pedagogical conditions in the educational process of higher pedagogical educational institutions gives a multiplicative effect of their influence on the professional development of future professionals.


professional development, future teachers, pedagogical conditions, multiplicative property, sociopsychological climate, professional position, pedagogical mentoring.




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