(2017) Science and education, 4, 147-152. Odessa.
Olena Balashova,
President of International Charitable Foundation “Inshe Zhyttia”,
30/35, Shelkovichna Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The paper aims to present the results of assessing the modern state of inclusive education implementation, pedagogues’ and parents’ personal readiness for it. Inclusive education is not considered as a particular type or level of education, it is a new organization of the educational process. Inclusive education can be carried out during the implementation of educational programs at all levels of basic education, it is important that each student is provided with all necessary conditions, all students study together. In order to determine the current state of inclusive education implementation in Ukraine an experimental study was conducted that included surveys of direct participants of the educational process – teachers of secondary schools in Kyiv, Odessa, parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) and parents of “normal” children. The total number of participants in the experiment was 480 people (parents of children with SEN, parents of healthy children, teachers, representatives of educational institutions’ administration, psychologists, social workers, leaders of clubs). According to the data obtained, it can be stated that being aware of the inclusive education content, the respondents mention a low level of inclusion in Ukrainian educational institutions. A barrier-free environment can be considered as a prerequisite for inclusive education development. Schools and preschools built in recent years, do not fully meet the requirements of a barrierfree environment, more often the adaptive learning environment is formed. One of the conditions for the success of inclusive education development is tolerant attitude of the society to people with special needs. Development of partnership with students’ parents is an essential precondition that requires further consideration and elaboration of various cooperation forms, such as workshops, seminars, round tables, weekend clubs and others. The importance of institution’s social and psychological services is extremely important, at the same time, the importance of specialists in this field in the process of inclusion requires qualitative changes, including psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process.
inclusion, inclusive education, children with special educational needs, barriers, factors.
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