Anzhela Budnik. Language Portfolio in Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 137-142. Odessa.

Anzhela Budnik,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Slavic Linguistics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The choice of the research topic is determined by several factors: the necessity to find effective means of evaluating various kinds of work, the necessity to acquire and organise necessary knowledge by international students themselves in order to be able to solve communication problems according to situations. The paper aims to provide theoretical substantiation of the model of language portfolio used as a complementary tool for monitoring and assessment of international students’ academic performance when learning Ukrainian as a foreign language. Research methods involved consideration of methodological and psycho-pedagogical literature, legal documents, their analysis and synthesis; generalisation of scientific developments, lesson observation, pedagogical modelling, sociological methods. A language portfolio of an international students consists of contents, the portfolio itself with the list of its principal elements, introduction with clear formulated aim and objectives, brief description of the language portfolio, a student’s self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done. The use of language portfolio method in work with international students is quite effective, as it develops critical and creative thinking, capacity for self-analysis, ability to use scientific literature, choose authentic texts corresponding to a communicative aim.


European Language Portfolio, language portfolio, components of a language portfolio, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, levels of language proficiency, kinds of language activity, principles of communicative teaching, reflection, Ukrainian as a foreign language.




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