(2017) Science and education, 4, 118-122. Odessa.
Tetiana Mishenina,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharina Avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
The paper deals with the issue of the development of axiological parameters of Philology teachers’ linguistic personality in the course of linguocultural studies. The axiological parameters of philology students’ linguistic personality determine the quality of professional training; the development of the content of the axiological component provides the implementation of a valuevariant model of educational choice, which includes personal and value orientations of education. The implementation of the linguoculturological approach to the teaching of students majoring in philological specialties involves both textual and non-textbased components of the educational material: the selection of educational texts with the predominance of information material; preparation of linguoculturological comments as additional explanatory texts; the formation of scientific worldview through the prism of the sphere of concepts. The fulfillment of linguoculturological analysis is interpreted by means of a phased approach: 1) the construction of the nominative field of a linguocultureme; 2) analysis and description of the semantics of linguistic means that form the structure of the nominative field of a linguocultureme; 3) the cognitive interpretation of the results of the description of the semantics of linguistic means – the identification of cognitive features forming the studied linguocultureme as a mental unit; 4) verification of the cognitive description with the help of native speakers (hermeneutic analysis of linguistic material can confirm / disprove the correctness of the researcher’s conclusions, which are always subjective to a certain degree); 5) the description of the content of a linguocultureme as a level-based correlation of cognitive features. The formation of the axiological component of a linguistic personality is determined by conceptual and reproductive, productive and creative research levels. Observations on linguoculturological material contribute to the objectification of value-related senses by means of applying the experimental factor (the comparison of axiological analysis of senses, literary texts as a comparative and historical method in humanities), based on the comparison of linguoculturological characteristics.
cultural approach, cultural linguistics approach, axiological parameter, axiological culture, language personality, students of philological specialties.
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