(2017) Science and education, 4, 113-117. Odessa.
Liliia Dmytruk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences),
Department of the Ukrainian Studies,
Pirogov National Medical University,
56, Pirogova Str., Vinnitsa, Ukraine
The paper aims to describe the peculiarities of using innovative and information technologies in general and video presentations in particular in the educational process of teaching Ukrainian to foreign students as well as to examine its effectiveness. Innovative methods for teaching languages at higher educational institutions make it possible to optimize the ways of presenting new vocabulary and grammar, dealing with monologue and dialogue activities, teaching writing and practicing pronunciation, etc. Multimedia presentations improve the teaching process providing information support in a visual form and help students learn the material faster and more efficiently. According to the research results, video presentations assist in increasing students’ motivation and their academic performance. The study of the application of multimedia technologies during the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language has shown that the lack of its use in Ukrainian higher educational institutions is caused by the following reasons: low level of logistics (lack of equipment); the lack of criteria for assessing the efficiency of the technologies; low level of teachers’ information competence and lack of their motivation to apply new methods and techniques in their teaching practice.
innovation technologies, interactive education, multimedia, video presentation.
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