Nataliia Lazarenko, Alla Kolomiets, Anatolii Klymenko. Symbiosis of Methodological Approaches to the Development of Education in the Information Society.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 107-112. Odessa.

Nataliia Lazarenko,
PhD in Pedagogy (Candidate of Sciences), associate professor,
rector of Vinnytsya M. Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University,
Alla Kolomiets,
PhD in Pedagogy (Doctor of Sciences), professor,
vice-rector of Vinnytsya M. Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
Anatolii Klymenko,
PhD in Pedagogy (Candidate of Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Practical English and Language Teaching,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
2, M. Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



One of the topical issues in modern Pedagogy is searching for and substantiating of innovative educational technologies, effective models, forms, systems of organizing educational process, methodological competency of future teachers in the information society. Such a holistic approach as symbiosis and integration of various methodological approaches (axiological, systemic, personality-oriented, cultural, synergetic, activity-based, competency-based and others) reflects the unity of nature of the investigated pedagogical phenomenon or process. However, a competencybased approach is of the highest priority among others. Its use is intended to develop a combination of young generation’s competencies required for life in the modern information society, analysis and adequate evaluation of information. This approach is closely connected with other methodological approaches, highly valuable and productive in solving various educational problems. Among them the axiological approach with humanism as a leading principle is crucial. Systematized axiological knowledge can activate all other constituents of the system of values. This will make it possible to set the criteria for the evaluation of activity of institutions, old and new concepts of education, teaching experience, and also save the traditional humanistic values of domestic pedagogical theory and practice, and use them effectively in the modernization of the Ukrainian education. Synergetic and systematic approach based on interdisciplinarity contributes to the formation of creative thinking, reintegration of information on new qualitative level, understanding system connections and lead to the growth of creative potential of a person. They can be successfully used in modeling the educational environment, adaptation, in terms of didactics, of their ideas in the content of education in the management of the educational process


information society, education, innovative technologies, symbiosis of methodologies, competencybased approach, axiology, synergetics.




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