Olha Khoma. Development of Primary School Students’ Lexical Competence at Ukrainian Language Lessons

(2017) Science and education, 2, 41-46. Odessa.

Tamila Kolomoiets,
PhD (Candidate of Sociological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharina avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



Modern social relations in our country are far from being harmonious. As to educational system, such disharmony is even stronger because it is expressed in separating of mass and correctional education. Attempts to form inclusive education have not come to any considerable results, which appears in constant division of children into “normal majority” and “abnormal minority”. That is why the issue of socialization of preschool children with special needs becomes more and more important. The review of some scientific works has shown that the issue of forming mechanisms of interaction between the teachers of special educational institutions and their students towards improving the efficiency of their socialization is still understudied. The paper is aimed at the formation of interaction model between special educational institutions teachers and their students towards increasing the efficiency of their socialization. The further education of children with special needs will be easier if their socialization and social adaptation in the social environment begin in the preschool age. Under these conditions their future life and professional activities will be more socially adapted. The developed model makes it possible to perform such tasks of socialization of children with special needs: acquisition of abilities and skills needed for normal functioning of these children in the society; forming adequate social behavior, social “self”; mastering the norms of culture, etc.


special education, inclusive education, socialization, children with special needs, psychophysical disturbances, social adaptation, preschool education.




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