Serhii Cherniak. Domestic and Foreign Concepts of Personal Education: Theoretical Review.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 25-32. Odessa.

Serhii Cherniak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, senior researcher,
Department of Innovations and Strategies of Educational Development,
Institute of Education of NAES of Ukraine,
52-D, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with leading foreign and domestic concepts of personal education. The conceptual base of the modern foreign pedagogy is represented by the following concepts: dialectical materialist (Marxist), technocratic, authoritarian rationalism, psychoanalytical, pragmatic, neohumanistic, the concept of neothomism. The Marxist pedagogy is based on dialectical materialism. The basis of the technocratic concepts of identity formation is the idea of the possibility of a free external determination of human behavior. The essence of modern technocratic pedagogical theories involves highlighting the issues of external regulation of human behavior by means of developing his/her socially acceptable responses based on carefully developed pedagogical techniques. The defining feature of the formation of a personality according to the theoretical foundations of the concept of personal education of authoritarian rationalism is the formation of ritual behavior model in youth as an indicator of social adaptation. The psychoanalytic concept of education created by the Austrian psychologist Z. Freud was reviewed in the paper as well. Besides, the pragmatic concept of personal education was also considered. The methodological basis of modern neohumanistic concepts of education includes the existentialism, humanistic school of psychology, socio-critical Frankfurt School. Modern philosophical and pedagogical concept of Catholicism, represented by J. Maritain, J. Cunningham, was also described in details. Besides, the leading concepts of personal education in contemporary Ukrainian pedagogy were discussed in the paper as well. They are represented by the system concept, the concept of democratization, system-role concept, the concept of national education, cultural concept, the concept of civic education, self-education, and personality-oriented education concept. The carried out review of the domestic and foreign concepts of personal education proves the plural character of the modern conceptual basis of education. It can be explained by the reconsideration of educational aims with regard to the social factor, which involves the complex dialectical unity of individual and social components of education.


pedagogical concepts, personal education, concepts of education, self-education, scientific review.




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